The First Amendment: Freedom of Speech by David L. HudsonCall Number: KF4772.F57
The First Amendment: Freedom of Speech is the latest volume in the Thomson Reuters Law for the Layperson Legal Almanac Series. This work provides both nonattorneys (law students, clients, academics) and attorneys with a focused and coherent review of the evolution of free speech rights in the United States. Professor David L. Hudson Jr. makes common First Amendment principles – such as prior restraint, overbreadth, vagueness, fighting words, public forum, and more – easy to understand through plain-English explanations of the concepts and fact-specific descriptions of the Supreme Court rulings establishing them. In addition to a review of free speech protections, The First Amendment: Freedom of Speech contains chapters on the various categories of unprotected speech, the special rules related to commercial speech, pornographic speech, public employee speech, and student speech, as well as a chapter on how the First Amendment impacts tort law in the United States.
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