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Technology for 1Ls: i>Clicker Configuration

1L introduction to the technology at UNT Dallas College of Law


Your i>Clicker remote is used in class by some professors for in-class polling and/or attendance taking purposes. The instructions below will show you how to register your clicker, and how to set the frequency to match the one being used by your professor.

If you replace your clicker, you will need to register the new one. Please note, your clicker works only for you, they cannot be borrowed or loaned.

Setting Your Clicker Frequency

To set your clicker frequency, hold down the power button until the green light labeled power flashes. Then you can release the power button and press the buttons corresponding to your professor's frequency code in order. If done correctly, all the lights on your remote will flash green. If they flash orange, the frequency change failed and you will need to repeat the above steps.

Registering a New i>Clicker

If you have to replace the clicker you were provided during Fundamentals, you will need to register your new clicker. This only needs to be done once per clicker. To do so, open a course in Canvas(it is best to open a course that uses the clickers, courses that don't use them may not have the registration link) and click the 'i>clicker registration' link in the left course navigation menu.

You will be taken to a screen that asks for the Remote ID, your email address, and country. Email address and country should auto-populate. Enter your Remote ID, which is on the small sticker on the back of the remote, then click the Register button. You are finished with the remote registration process.