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Instructional Technology Tips for Students: Laptop Checkout

This page provides information on technology used at the UNT Dallas College of Law, including tutorials, troubleshooting information, and contact information for further assistance

Laptop Checkout FAQ

  • Where can I go to check out a laptop?
    • In the Lee Jackson building, the Law Library has laptops for checkout
    • In the Law Center, the Legal Educational Technology Department on the 5th floor has laptops for checkout
  • How long can I check out a laptop?
    • Generally, 4 hours
    • If taking an exam that will extend beyond 4 hours, exceptions can be made
  • Can I check out any laptop accessories?
    • We encourage you to check out a power supply with the laptop, especially when you are taking a test
  • Where can I take the laptop?
    • Laptops should remain in the building in which they were checked out.  Please do not move the laptops between the Lee Jackson Building and the Law Center unless explicitly instructed to do so by Library or LET personnel.
  • What are the fines for late returns?
    • Fines on laptops and their power supplies are $10 each per hour.